HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Today was a perfect day. My mom and I cooked all day long. I made my first real pie, and it turned out great. Turkey, gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, rolls, apple pie, pecan pie...everything homemade, home-cooked. It was delicious. Dinner was fun and everyone was happy. Of course everyone ate too much, but it was well worth it. We all took naps afterward, and my mom, my brother and I watched Elf. Now it is 10:15 and my parents are asleep, so it's just me and my brother. I'm sitting in the recliner with my book and my 2nd favorite blanket, with Christmas music playing and Spongebob muted on the TV. Everything seems perfect right in this moment: I wish I could freeze time and just sit and admire the peace that I feel right now. It is possible for us to get along and have a wonderful day together. I love my family; of all my many blessings, they are what I am most thankful for. Next to my Savior and King, Jesus Christ. I am happy, truly happy. Happy Thanksgiving indeed. :)
Apple Pie!
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